10 Ways To Practice Guitar Effectively

Practicing guitar is essential for improving your skills and becoming a proficient player. However, it can be easy to get into a rut and become frustrated with your progress. Here are 10 ways to make the most of your practice time and improve your guitar skills:

Why The Best Teachers Use Drills To Teach Skills

One of my favourite books is Practice Perfect. It’s full of great insights based on in-depth research by Doug Lemov. Here is just one insight from the book. In sports and music when it comes to practice there is this temptation to want to play the game or play the song likely for 3 main…

Why do some students just love practicing guitar?

 When you look at Li-sa-X for example its obvious she practices for many hours a day and loves doing it but why? Basically there is a connection between the practice of anything you care to name and an eventual love of the thing being practiced. There is this point where we tip and the love…

5 Ways To Optimise Your Guitar Practice

Not all guitar practice is equal. Optimising your practice can make a big difference especially over the long term. Developing the habit of optimising will at first, feel like an effort. Like most habits it will take time but stick with it. It may also go against your natural instincts and urges. Optimising can also…

Why around 90% of guitar students quit and what you can do to avoid it

Why is success on guitar so illusive? Are some people just more talented? It seems that research has revealed what most teachers and coaches have known for years. Talent comes from practice and persistence. Natural ability may exist in certain situations but in most cases any advantage soon fades in comparison to the dedicated practitioner. …

The 5 Stages Of Guitar Success

Success on guitar takes time and you need to move through 5 distinct stages before you reach success. The 5 stages of change refers to a research paper by Don Kelley and Daryl Connor (University of Toronto) called the ‘Emotional cycle of change’. The 5 stages are as follows. Uninformed optimism. Informed pessimism. Hopeful realism…

Why Parents Are The Key To A Child’s Success On Guitar

A large percentage of parents are not aware of how influential they can be when it comes to their child learning guitar. They unfortunately believe that if their child doesn’t just love practicing guitar then it’s not meant to be. That is like saying your child doesn’t like healthy food and will only eat cake…

5 Ways To Improve Your Guitar Playing Fast

Focus on one thing at a time – The typical guitar student tends to bounce around, often working on several different scales, a few guitar chords, strumming patterns, picking patterns, perhaps an arpeggio pattern, a little finger picking and then half a dozen songs and riffs all in one practice session. Try focusing on just one isolated…

Buying a guitar (for beginners)

Buying your first guitar is not so scary. In fact its probably easier than buying your second because there are only a few things you need to consider. Here are the most important considerations ehrn choosing;Type: A classic guitar with nylon strings is the best option for a beginner unless you are fixed on playing an…

Buying a Guitar Amp? Here are TOP 10 tips.

Here are Jay Irsaj’s (Wildflower Amplifier’s) Top 10 tips for buying a guitar amp. 1/ what /where do you want to use it 2/ what styles of music / sounds are you after 3/ tube or solid state ( I would prefer tube) But you remember the old PEAVEY Renown’s they weren’t that bad 4/…