7 Effective Strategies to Motivate Your Child To Practice Guitar

As a parent, you want to inspire and support your child in their journey to musical success. Motivating children to practice guitar is often challenging, especially if they are not naturally inclined towards it or if they feel overwhelmed with other activities and responsibilities. However, with the right approach, you can make music practice an…

How To Motivate Your Child To Practice Guitar The Simple Way

Many parents struggle with getting their child to do guitar practice mostly because they make it complicated. There is in fact a very simple way to motivate your child to practice but it may not be what you were hoping for. You see there is this common held misconception that children should have a passion…

The Fastest Way To Learn Guitar

  When I was 8 years old I received a guitar from my parents. Probably as a present but I don’t actually remember. In fact I can hardly remember much about the experience at all. What I do know is the novelty of guitar at that age wore off pretty quickly. I vaguely remember having…

Do You Know The No.1 Reason People Quit Guitar?

Imagine this   Your favourite singer comes to town and you are lucky enough to get a ticket to their concert. The atmosphere on arriving at the music hall is buzzing and even before the concert starts you know its going to be amazing. After what seems like an eternity of waiting the lights go…

School Exams…Should You Put Guitar On Hold?

School exams for many students can add extra demands to their already hectic schedule. A common complaint from students is they simply don’t have the time to focus on exam preparation and guitar practice. In this case it can seem like putting guitar on hold is an obvious choice but in my experience this is…

Does Your Child Dislike Guitar Practice? Are You Ready To QUIT ?

Like you I also have a child learning guitar and like your child she doesn’t always want to practice. In fact most days she doesn’t want to practice but before I go on I should point out that I have been teaching guitar and training guitar teachers for over 30 years. This of course allows…

How To Help Your Child To Want To Practice Guitar

Parents with children learning guitar are generally hopeful that their child will stick with guitar. Unfortunately all too often parents make the decision to stop their child’s lessons due to a lack of enthusiasm for practice. The truth is this generally occurs due to a lack of understanding. Parents who have children learning guitar or…

Practice Guitar Out On The Edge

In the book ‘Bounce’ the author (Matthew Syed) talks about how high level success comes from thousands of hours of practice. Top chess players for example would have studied the game for 10,000 hours or more. By study I don’t mean just play but actually study possible moves and consequences.  Are you willing to fall?…

Daily Practice With Young Beginners On Guitar

I received the following question from a guitar teacher and parent regarding teaching their young child guitar. Question regarding VERY young beginners… I’ve been doing some stuff with my oldest son since a little before he was 3 on a ukulele. He loves it – in very small bits. We’ve done naming the strings tinker…

Parents, give your children choices with guitar

Most parents understand the challenge of getting their child to clean their room, brush their teeth, do their homework and so on. Guitar practice is no different. Children will often resist such requests because it feels like work or seems boring. They just want to play games or watch TV which is understandable. We were…

Follow your dream to play guitar.

Apple legend Steve Jobs was inspired by The Beatles. He was himself a huge music fan. The reason Apple computers have a strong music focus (think Garageband, iTunes and Logic) is because of Jobs’s passion for music. The reason I mention Steve Jobs is because you would be hard pressed to find a better example of…

Do you feel guilty when you don’t practice guitar?

In the book ‘The Will Power Instinct’ the author referenced a study done on the effects of guilt on a person who fails to follow through on a commitment. In one example they compared dieters who felt guilty after a moment of weakness to those who did not feel guilty and the finding was surprising….