Why you should apply the 80/20 rule to learning guitar

The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle, states that 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In terms of learning guitar, this means that 80% of the progress you make in becoming a proficient player will come from 20% of the things you practice. One way to apply this principle to guitar…

The 7 Guitar Modes – A simple explanation

The seven modes of the diatonic scale are: To play in a specific mode, you start and end on the corresponding scale degree while playing the scale. For example, to play in Dorian mode, you would start and end on the second note of a major scale while playing the scale. It’s worth noting that…

Motivate your child to practice guitar

Motivating your child to want to practice guitar is different for every child. What works with one child may not work with another child. In addition any strategy you apply will generally not last indefinitely. The secret to motivating your child to practice is creative experimentation. This means you need to be testing new ideas…

The Power Of A Great Coach

It seems we all know of at least one legendary coach who has an amazing record. I have spent decades researching the best ways to learn and teach guitar. This led me to reading about great coaches and teachers in various fields such as sport, education, business and personal development. When you look at the records…

Here Are 3 Reasons Why You Will Want To Learn In A Group

  There is a common belief that one on one private lessons are better than group lessons. This is based on the idea that teaching several students at one time means each student gets less attention. Such logic is not based on  evidence but is instead, just assumed. The fact is the evidence as I discovered, is…

Why do the most successful guitar students expect to fail?

But hang on a minute. Aren’t successful people positive thinkers? Weren’t we told that self fulfilling prophecies determined our outcomes? Well it turns out that a sign of a successful person is someone who is usually quietly expecting to fail. They don’t want to fail of course and its certainly not their plan to fail…

Are Your Friends Helping You To Succeed On Guitar

The people around you are influencing you whether you are aware of it or not. Your success or failure on guitar may very well come down to the people you associate with. Social influence is all around us everyday and not just from friends. Whoever surrounds us will influence us. Studies have shown that obesity…

5 Facts Beginner Guitar Students Need To Know To Succeed

Here are 5 facts I wish I had known when I started guitar. I hope they make your journey a little smoother. Guitar is easy to learn but difficult to master In one lesson I could teach you to play the following 5 chords. C, A minor, G, E minor & D. These chords are…

Why Learn Scales On Guitar?

  I will be the first to admit that I had zero interest in learning scales on guitar in the early years. I just couldn’t see the point. I was motivated by songs so why not cut straight to the chase. I resisted playing any kind of scale for about a year until I discovered…

How To Be A Great Guitar Student

There are some very special teachers in the world. We know this because every now and again we hear about them in the news or perhaps a Hollywood script based on a true story like the movie ‘Music of the heart’. The truth is such teachers are extremely rare and in some cases the stories…